Monday, June 2, 2008

Without an H - whats in the name


"and there goes one more drop in the vast ocean ."

"Without an H"

Why name my blog like that???

the thing is, being a South-Indian and having a name without H in it - don't go hand-in-hand. Invariably people end-up writing my name as KartHik and more often than not send e-mails to

I switched jobs last year and joined this company called think3 and this HR female in the company sent me the offer letter and guess what my name was in the letter.... no not Kartik or KartHik, it was "karthink".. what the @$%&!!!!!

this isn't the only "issue" i have with my name. I write my full name as Sri Ranga Kartik (yes i share my initials with some random bollywood actor). Kartik being my first name, which unfortunately for me, is the 3rd after S and R. Imagine my plight when i have to fill forms which say "First name - Second name - last name" and more so when all the documents/certificates of proof i have, show my name as S R Kartik.

All that aside, this blog is abt me and my views on all things bloggable (if such a word exists).

so folks.. happy reading!!!!

cheers for the new beginning.....


Rajat Singhvi said...

I'd never tot of dat many issues wid ure name, dude... at last not togeder...

by de way, wen I was in B'lore & Hyd last week, de 'otels at bot cities wrote my name in dere registers as "RAJATH"

Notice de only use of 'H' in my comment...


Karuna said...

Nice post kartik..good start :) yay!! I dint know there would be any confusion with ur name although I agree abt the first name, second name and last name part.

Rohit Pande said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ......SRK ha ha ha ha ha.....waise how about somebody who's name is actually H & initialls are PH ;)

Krithi said...

I really shudnt comment on this post..for obvious reasons!!

Krit"H"i :-P

sharad said...

I can understand the problem of extra "H" i have faced the same thing in Bangalore / Gurgaon my name was written as sarath / Sarad (respectively in Blore and GGN) instead of sharad