Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Birthday to me.......!!!!!

I turned 26 today. Since the day little kids started calling me Uncle or their parents started introducing me to them saying "Say hi to Kartik uncle", I figured that I am getting older(or should I say, wiser) now. :)

20th Feb 1983 was the day I came into this world. Looking back, its not been a bad journey at all. 26 years have passed, and I have lived each day to the fullest. So here I make a list of some facts which people close to me may or may not know (and maybe when I look back at it after I get really old it'll be good fun to read).

1) I am a Typical Piscean. I dream a lot. Spend most of my idle time(office time too :P) doing that.

2) When I was born, I didn't cry at all. I guess there was something to that coz even in sad times I try to be happy and cheerful.

3) I am pretty good at remembering dates. I feel very guilty if I forget to wish someone on their day.

4) I was really short when in School. I think at some point, I was shorter than the shortest girl in class and I use to live in constant fear that I will not grow. But thank god, I attained a decent height.

5) I am CRAZY about cricket. I can go on and on about it.

6) I am CRAZY about Hindi music too. I have a knack of remembering the complete lyrics of songs after listening to them a couple of times. And I don't know how many song I know fully.

7) I love to sing as well n do a decent job at that :P. I was quite shy to sing in public when I was young (for those who missed, I-am-26-now part) but now I am not.

8) I love kids and kids love me too... :)

9) Never in my life I have been in a relationship. So I dunno if I am lucky or unlucky in that respect.

10) My full name is Sri Ranga Kartik. When I was being named, my Grandpa wanted "Ranga" to be in the name come-what-may n my mom wanted to name me Kartik. So Sri Ranga Kartik is my name as in I have no family name or surname. Weird???

11) I am completely petrified of wasps, bees and other stinging insects.

12) I wish to get a tattoo done on me someday.

13) I am a Harry Potter buff. At some point in time I knew everything about Harry Potter(Story and Characters) in and out.

14) I always wanted to be an Electronics or Computer Engineer, I had vowed not to study mechanical engineering but I ended up being a Mechanical Engineer and I have no regrets.

15) This point I think everyone knows and agrees with, that I am a nice guy. A guy you can take home to your mom :)

16) Though my dad was a Naval Officer, I cant swim for my life. :(


sowmya said...

aha.. 15) This point I think everyone knows and agrees with, that I am a nice guy. A guy you can take home to your mom :)

does that sound like ad advertisement? :P
good.. now we know a lil bit more abt u :) how abt stinging mozzies? or rather biting.. :P

Karuna said...

wow there r few things I dint know abt u like 1,3,11,13. Can I add one more to your are a people loving person, always in touch with relatives and friends, loves to make friends and know how to keep them happy.

manya said...

this is an awesome blog man! well, i did know quite a few of these points!(read points 3,5,6,7,9,10,15!)
the most interesting ones are 11, 12 and 16!
but it sure is gr8 to know all these little things about you.

Kartik said...

@sowmya - yeah..n to go with that i have point #9

@didi - thanks a lot.. i am humbled :)

@manya - thanks..good that u acknowledged that u already knew point #9

a few more points came to my mind after I posted this.. i'll save 'em for my next birthday post..

Abdul Sami said...

Hi Kartik..

I came across ur blog while surfing for nothing to pass-out my time. A very nice blog of urs.

Ur birthdate is the one which caught my attention. 20th Feb it's my cousin-cum-brother-friend birthdate. And I am just 4 days younger to u. Mine is 24-Feb-1983.

Visit my blog once. There is nothing great. But u cn reply me if u want on my blog.

Take care. Bye