Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hello Life!

 Feels so good to be writing again. Have been wanting to write so much but my dad wouldn't give me his Google password to login to the blog, since I spend most of my time with mom - maybe he had his reasons. And he says he wanted me to cross the 5 month threshold to blog again, like I am buying that.

Its been hell of a 5 months. For the first couple of months it was so cold that I felt I was better off where I was earlier even though it was getting awfully cramped. Talking of cramped, most of those cold months, I spent in so many clothes that its not even funny. And the less we talk about those heavy blankets the better. I mean come on, the poor little kid is learning to breathe and all, and he has to deal with those heavy blankets!

And off late the world has become so hot that most of the time I am not wearing much; which seems sensible. Wonder why other people don't follow the same. Ahem.

Haven't seen much of this big bad world as yet as I have spent most of my time sleeping. I get a feeling that as you grow up you anyway lose sleep on trivial issues,  so make hay while the sun shines. Anyway, the best thing about sleep is waking up at odd hours and making parents lose their sleep. Apart from sleep there are 2 other things that I have been doing crying & drinking (milk-type not the other-type). There is a well thought-out strategy:

When I feel hungry -        I cry
When I feel sleepy -         I cry
When I wake up -             I cry
When I pee -                     I cry
When I take a dump -       I cry
When I take bath -            I cry
When I am bored-            I cry
When I am scared-           I cry
When I burp -                   I cry
When I fart-                      I cry

This common response to almost anything I do or I want to do or I don't want to do or my parents want me to do, makes them go bonkers. But I wonder how my mom gets the reason of my crying bang on EVERY SINGLE TIME!!

Another interesting thing that happened was that I started to roll over. Again, not the ROFL type but just rolling over type. Plus the trick of using my legs to push myself ahead is so liberating. And I hate it when my parents play tricks with me by placing huge pillows in my path when am on the bed.

Lastly, it is amazing how my parents' faces light up by seeing a simple toothless smile of mine. Since they are going through so much just by having me around, I try to give this one incentive to them when I am not crying. :)

Until next time.
(Remember how I had hoped that they give me a good name?? let me know if you like it)  

PS: By the way, am not such a cry baby.


Belina K said...

Good one! But don't let him grow up with the thought that its a "bad world"!

Hogster said...

oh I missed this one. Wow what a wonderful perspective. Baby Vivaan sure is a much better blogger than his Dad ;) !!