....a book that made me laugh (out loud, that is) and cry. Yeah, I admit that I was teary eyed and the throat was all choke-y by the time I finished reading it. I had never imagined a book could bring out so many emotions in me. I must say, all the people who love dogs, or let me just broaden the group a bit, all those who can read, must read this book.
Marley and me is about a Dog which, according to the author, John Grogan, is the World's Worst Dog. The kind of humour the author has incorporated and the kind of emotions he has weaved into the story, its hard not to get totally involved with the proceedings in the book. The book is not a work of fiction, it is a personal account and experience of the author with his dog, written in first person by the author (of course). The book journeys from the time Marley is a little puppy to his death. The best part about this book is that I knew what was going to happen in the end, but I still ended up teary eyed.
And now am excited about the movie that is being made on this book. The trailers are out and they look good. Owen Wilson is playing John Grogan and Jennifer Aniston, his wife Jenny. Heard it'll be out this Christmas. Cant wait to watch it!!!
I have never been a fan of autobiographies till now but this book has changed that opinion of mine. I recommend this one to everyone. Read it and you'll not regret.
Your post would convince anyone to read the book.... have one sent across please!!
Am reading the book currently.... It is seriously touching & hilarious... "Leave two hundred unmarked Milk-Bones in a pplain paper-bag or you'll never see your precious necklace again."
We just saw the movie this weekend and I have to admit I shed a few tears when they put Marley down. I had to admit though that however sweet that dog was, it would have driven me nuts!
Have you seen the movie? Its equally emotional. I saw it when I was on ship and couldn't help with the tears..Fell in love with the dogs all over again!
@jaya - hey good to see u digging thru my blog and commenting as well :).. nice
I didnt like the movie much.. if seen nt in reference to the book it might be good.. but since I had read the book, the movie kinda didnt live up to it..
have watched the movie a coupla times till now. every time i watch it pulls at my heart strings. a book is a book n not every one can make a good movie out of it.
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