Hey there,
Long time no see...
Milestones are so important in life. Looking back when you are old these give you reasons to look back and smile.
As I turned One last week, almost everyday leading up to my first birthday was a milestone. I was on to something new everyday. Yup my folks were going crazy about whatever I did and I was being very nonchalant about it. I mean, is walking really such a big deal? Picture this, my grandpa "goes for a walk" every evening, if that isn't a big deal, then why is it when I walk? Well, I guess walking for the first time is.
I am yet to figure out how not to fall every time I try to take a few steps. I have fallen so many times that I think my backside has become flat. I saw someone on TV walking with a long stick in his hand. I wish I could ask mom or dad to hand me one of those for balance.
Oh yes asking which is actually "talking" is one more thing I wanna talk about. People around me need to take a break and let me progress in my own time. Asking me a hundred times to say Mama or Papa will not make me blurt out the Oxford English Dictionary in an instant. Please!
Talking of dictionary, my vocabulary is slowing growing day by day. And for god's sake I know that the thing on the ceiling with blades and a rotor is called fan. It is used in summer. How many times do I need to point my fingers to the ceiling every time I am asked "where is the fan??"
Oh god don't even get me started on pointing fingers. When you ask and I point finger, its good! But when I point my finger to the "3 holes on the wall" (the one with a switch next to it) why does all hell break loose? People start shouting as if they got some electric shock.
I have slowly come to realize that my parents and their parents are weird. When I started standing, crawling, walking etc they were so happy and now when i want stand up to reach out and feel somethings like glass vases, telephones, pens etc they have started placing them on higher surfaces out of my reach. First they encouraged me and when I started doing it they try and stop me.
I have also realised that when I was smaller and used to sleep a lot, everyone used to wait for me to wake up to play with me. Now it seems, all they do is to wait for me to sleep so that they can do own stuff. Gosh, what is wrong with them??
At the end of the day, in all their weirdness I love the fact that they love me so much. It feels amazing to be lifted in their arms and be cuddled. I feel the pain in my parents' voices and see that glint in their eyes when they say bye to me & go to their offices every morning. I simply smile and try to hide my emotions. (Else they will want to stay back and stop making money. Then who will buy me gifts??) I am sure the whole day they keep thinking about me as I go about doing my antics at home and I keep waiting for them to be back and hold me in their arms again. The look in their eyes when they see me again in the evening makes my day. There is no substitute to being pampered.
Anyway its been a long-ish post this, as I had quite bit to say. You know I have been away turning 1 this whole time. Let me get back to growing up and crossing more milestones.
Until then (pointing the ceiling) - there is the Fan!
Long time no see...
Milestones are so important in life. Looking back when you are old these give you reasons to look back and smile.
As I turned One last week, almost everyday leading up to my first birthday was a milestone. I was on to something new everyday. Yup my folks were going crazy about whatever I did and I was being very nonchalant about it. I mean, is walking really such a big deal? Picture this, my grandpa "goes for a walk" every evening, if that isn't a big deal, then why is it when I walk? Well, I guess walking for the first time is.
I am yet to figure out how not to fall every time I try to take a few steps. I have fallen so many times that I think my backside has become flat. I saw someone on TV walking with a long stick in his hand. I wish I could ask mom or dad to hand me one of those for balance.
Oh yes asking which is actually "talking" is one more thing I wanna talk about. People around me need to take a break and let me progress in my own time. Asking me a hundred times to say Mama or Papa will not make me blurt out the Oxford English Dictionary in an instant. Please!
Talking of dictionary, my vocabulary is slowing growing day by day. And for god's sake I know that the thing on the ceiling with blades and a rotor is called fan. It is used in summer. How many times do I need to point my fingers to the ceiling every time I am asked "where is the fan??"
Oh god don't even get me started on pointing fingers. When you ask and I point finger, its good! But when I point my finger to the "3 holes on the wall" (the one with a switch next to it) why does all hell break loose? People start shouting as if they got some electric shock.
I have slowly come to realize that my parents and their parents are weird. When I started standing, crawling, walking etc they were so happy and now when i want stand up to reach out and feel somethings like glass vases, telephones, pens etc they have started placing them on higher surfaces out of my reach. First they encouraged me and when I started doing it they try and stop me.
I have also realised that when I was smaller and used to sleep a lot, everyone used to wait for me to wake up to play with me. Now it seems, all they do is to wait for me to sleep so that they can do own stuff. Gosh, what is wrong with them??
At the end of the day, in all their weirdness I love the fact that they love me so much. It feels amazing to be lifted in their arms and be cuddled. I feel the pain in my parents' voices and see that glint in their eyes when they say bye to me & go to their offices every morning. I simply smile and try to hide my emotions. (Else they will want to stay back and stop making money. Then who will buy me gifts??) I am sure the whole day they keep thinking about me as I go about doing my antics at home and I keep waiting for them to be back and hold me in their arms again. The look in their eyes when they see me again in the evening makes my day. There is no substitute to being pampered.
Anyway its been a long-ish post this, as I had quite bit to say. You know I have been away turning 1 this whole time. Let me get back to growing up and crossing more milestones.
Until then (pointing the ceiling) - there is the Fan!
Soo cute!!! I just agreed with a one year old about how annoying it must be to point to the fan a 100 times a day for each one of us =D
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